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    Hey, I do stuff on Newgrounds as well as YouTube! Check me out! Name's Shiverwar on YouTube! Formerly SSJ3-Goku4567.

    Age 31


    Astera Hunting Academy

    Somewhere in America

    Joined on 5/15/05

    Exp Points:
    506 / 550
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    Vote Power:
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    Audio Scouts
    Global Rank:
    > 100,000
    B/P Bonus:
    8m 13d

    Shiverwar's News

    Posted by Shiverwar - 9 days ago

    It has come to my attention that there are a certain set of people who don't like maid outfits.

    In light of that fact... I have decided that I will become a maid just to spite these people.iu_1359180_1214934.webp

    And I'm so goddamn gorgeous.

    Fuck the haters, I'm a goddamn queen among kings.



    Posted by Shiverwar - December 28th, 2024

    First, let me preface this post with an apology.

    My last post was... a little too negative, even for my own liking. While I still hold true to how I felt in that post, I definitely should have held myself to a higher standard of decorum while making it, and in not showing restraint, I came off like a real douchebag. I can't say it won't happen again, because when my emotions run high I tend to act according to how I feel rather than the logic I should hold to, but I will say that I will do everything in my power to ensure that it doesn't happen so explosively in the future. All in all, I deeply apologize to those I've offended, angered, and otherwise hurt with my words from my last post. It's not fair to you guys that I just let loose like that, and I'll try my best to, well, not do that going forward.

    With that out of the way, I wish to update you guys on what I plan to do as far as content going forward.

    As some of you may have noticed, I've begun posting digital art to Newgrounds. While my music production has slowed down considerably, I wish to give you all something to enjoy or even just poke around at while I work on stuff. That, and since I have a new art tablet, I've been working like hell to improve my skills, so going forward, I will be posting art pieces to Newgrounds, or at least the ones I feel are worth sharing, and I would absolutely love your input on my work. Now, I will warn you guys that my work will include some NSFW stuff, so bear that in mind as you browse. If that is not your thing, don't worry, many of my works going forward will not be so raunchy. In fact, many things I draw are really tame and are honestly not real noteworthy, but I hope you guys will be with me in my art journey as I work to improve my style and hopefully, FINALLY flesh out a story between my two main girls, Nora Sjöberg and Teresa "Tessa" MacDowell, as well as work on other things I like to do.

    Don't worry, this does not mean that I'm quitting music production and remixing. On the contrary, I fully plan on continuing work on music for the days to come. I've just kinda hit a block in my work, and need some time away from it to come up with a workaround for my own shortcomings. In fact, I plan to remix another Touhou song down the line, with my next one planned to be "Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossom ~ Border of Life" from Perfect Cherry Blossom. Other than that, who knows? You can suggest a song for me to remix or a style to go for and I'll give it a shot, assuming it's not frustratingly difficult for my current skill level.

    That's pretty much all I wanted to say. I never know how to make long posts, and I REALLY don't know how other people do it. Once again, I do sincerely apologize to the people I've upset, hurt, and offended with my last post, but my stance on the matter hasn't changed, just my tone. I will continue doing music stuff, but I will also be doing digital art going forward, some of which will be 18+. Thank you to anyone who's read this far, and I hope to see you all do well in the coming year.



    Posted by Shiverwar - December 19th, 2024

    As the year ends, there are many things to reflect on...

    It's been a wild ride for a lot of us. Some of us came out better for it, some of us not so much, but one thing remains constant: The Geometry Dash community is still being fucking stupid, and Newgrounds, willingly or not, is complicit in this matter.

    Now, not everyone in the GD community is bad, let me make that clear. I'm fully aware that there are people in that community that simply want to enjoy the game and share what they do with others, so this post is not about them. This post is, instead, dedicated to the jackasses who believe it's perfectly fine to harass and grief artists and proudly wear their dumbassery like a fucking badge of honor.


    Let's start with the channels on YouTube dedicated to "archiving" the music from Geometry Dash. Simply put, they are not in it to preserve or simply share the music they find. They are actively profiting off of other peoples' work, and no one seems to give a rat's ass about it. Another day in paradise, huh? Well I'm tired of it, and I'm sure many others are as well. While this hasn't happened as often to me as it has to others, it still pisses me off that they're allowed to run rampant in an attempt to make money off of other peoples' works. I have a video on my YouTube channel that's a few years old now, but it perfectly summarizes my feelings on this particular matter. I recommend you watch it. I've made my feelings crystal clear.

    The REAL problem? The mindless shitlets who think GD is the end-all, be-all and anyone they perceive as a hater or, for instance, the reason GD went down for a little while is the anti-Christ or some bullshit. Let me just - come here, come closer - let me just make one thing perfectly clear.


    YOU'RE upset over what happened with Geometry Dash, so you feel the need to attack someone who has VERY LEGITIMATE GRIPES over the state of things regarding your little monkey brain game (which in itself is a loose ripoff of The Impossible Game, try explaining that one, Rob), so you feel the need to band together like the little monkey-brained fucks you are and collectively send hate messages and even threats? Are you children, or did you huff paint as kids, because HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW UTTERLY BRAINLESS YOUR ACTIONS ARE?! The people who allow the use of their songs on GD do it KNOWING they stand to gain NOTHING from it, yet here you are profiting off of our hard work for your five minutes of fame, and harassing my friends and colleagues in an attempt to milk even MORE out of them. Absolutely, and definitively, FUCK YOU.

    YOU didn't make a fucking thing. YOU didn't painstakingly work to create a piece you can be proud of only to have someone take it and profit off of it without any regards to the person who made it. We stand to gain NOTHING by sharing our stuff here, save for some attention and (some would say) meaningless accolades. You upload our shit without regard to our thoughts on the matter, and a great deal of you don't even bother giving proper credits. You upload, take the praise meant for US, and when we speak up, suddenly WE'RE the bad guys? Uh-uh. That ain't flyin', chief. There's a reason I've decided to NOT allow any future works on Geometry Dash, and this is one of many. I don't care if any of you come to attack me. Hell, come at me all you want! You think I'm afraid of what some hapless little shit says? Bring it on, fuckers!

    I do apologize to those who read this far and are thinking "Wow, this is a bit of an angry post" or something of the sort, but this has been irking me for a long time now. Some of my friends have been caught up in this mess and I can't sit idly by while they're taking shit from the GD community. Tom, if you happen to read this, which I know you won't, being a busy man and all, DO SOMETHING. Some of the best artists we have on here are catching shit from these little weaselfucks, and it's getting out of hand. RobTop... just.... just no. I have no words for you except this.




    Posted by Shiverwar - December 9th, 2023

    Uh... lemme explain what I mean.

    So, a lot has happened over the past near-two decades since I joined Newgrounds.

    There have been ups, downs, lefts, rights, all sorts of things happened in my life that changed things rather drastically. I've moved states several times, I've gained and lost touch with friends I hold dear, I've become physically separated from my family and can't stop thinking about them day to day, but at the same time I know I can at least talk to them still thanks to mobile phones. In terms of music, I've come a long way since I started using FL Studio (back then just known as FruityLoops) all the way back in 2008. I've gained an ARSENAL of plugins, effects, patches, and sounds that I now have at my disposal, and my knowledge of how things go in terms of music (at least on the remixing side) has expanded greatly in the past decade alone. I've been through hell and high water with my jobs, my living situations, my family situations (I won't go into detail, but it's not all been cherries and whipped cream, folks), and just in general my mental and physical health. Still, no matter what has happened, I always come back here, where my music journey started. To every person, manmade object, and naturally-occurring stellar phenomenon out there who has been with me and supported me over this long journey, you have no idea how appreciative and thankful I really am for you all. You have been my rock, my support beam, my emergency chicken nugget.

    I've been looking at some old posts I made, specifically some music reviews I've done when I was a snot-nosed teenager with walnuts for brains. "Oh lord, that was me," I've been saying to myself. It's hard to believe who I was back then compared to who I am now. I didn't really think I'd changed all that much, but seeing how I interacted with people, responded to certain comments and stressors, and comparing that to the me of today is as enlightening as it is embarrassing. It's hard to put it into words, but needless to say, I think I like the new me better. I was so emotionally charged back then, it was ridiculous. Yet, I also just... plain didn't like interacting with people that much. I only got close to a select few people on here, a few of whom I'm elated to see still alive and kicking like they did back then, and I've said some things back then that are... unbecoming. It's almost alarming how much I've changed since I was a teenager, and yet it feels like in some ways, I'm still that teenager.

    But that's not all I wanted to say. Oh, no.

    As you guys may know about me, I've been mainly doing remixes for many years now, since coming up with original stuff has been... difficult, shall we say. I've been under a simply massive creative block for what feels like forever, and while I do still get ideas for songs and such, they almost never come to be, so I've stuck with remixes and covers because that's what I know how to do at this time. As a result, though, it's allowed me to refine my work to an almost obnoxious degree, and that's reassuring to say the least. Still, part of me wonders if I'll ever get that truly creative side of me back, the one who had so many ideas that could be put to paper. Maybe one day I'll see that side of me again, but for now, I'm gonna at least do what I know I can do.

    My musical journey was not without its... annoyances. I remember all too well one particular troll on here (name redacted for reasons) who I clashed with rather frequently. They were about as annoying as they could come, with obnoxious nothing tracks, being a general pompous ass, and really just being a thorn in my side. They even went so far as to use one of my tracks, "A Hero's Last Stand," and use it as a backing track for a diss track aimed at me. At the time I was just so done with him and his bullshit, but looking back on it now... it was kinda funny. It's so weird to me how one's thoughts can change after a shift in perspective, especially with age. I wonder what he's doing now... eh, who gives a fuck?

    Worry not, though. I've still got several pieces I'm working on so I can get them out to you guys (yes, several, I am very indecisive). I'm currently working on a revisit of my Zelda Field Medley I made all the way back in 2017, and I plan to add at least one more song to it that I originally wanted to put in before. Stay tuned for that, would ya? Once again, I sincerely thank everyone who has supported me over these long years, and here's hoping there are many more to come, aye?

    Stay beautiful, Newgrounds.




    Posted by Shiverwar - June 16th, 2023

    Alright, good people of the Grounds of New, listen up.

    First off, let me start by saying I'm really glad to be on the same site as so many great people such as... well, a good portion of you (I know there are some sneaky sneaks out there, you don't get kudos from me). I've been a member of this site since... what, 2005? It's been quite a long time, and I've enjoyed myself for the most part, while sometimes I haven't. Y'get what I'm saying?

    Before any of you ask, no, I am not leaving Newgrounds for the foreseeable future. I just wanted to give you all an update regarding my inconsistent uploads and generally sporadic activity. Life's been kinda throwing me for a loop. I recently lost my job (though to be honest, I'm more liberated than anything since my upper management SUCKED ASS and Walmart's attendance policies are friggin' stupid anyway), looking for a new one to make sure I can keep a steady income, and all the while I've been seeing a counselor to find some way to combat my anxiety and depression issues. In the meantime, I've been slowly chipping away at certain projects, and although original music has become even harder for me to make, what with ideas not coming together like they should, I'm steadily improving my remixing skills, and I should have something for you guys relatively soon. However, this doesn't mean I'll always be available to chat or respond to any reviews, but rest assured, I do read them, and many of you have been extremely kind and even helpfully critical, and I cannot thank you enough for that. Just don't expect me to be constantly here, because I've got other things I need to tend to most of the time. Now, if I could feasibly work from home, that would be a whole different story, now wouldn't it?

    Bottom line, I love you guys, and thank each and every one of you who have stuck with me these long years. I've garnered a great deal of friends from this website, and it has become a permanent part of my history, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Be on the lookout for new uploads and such, because I am working pretty damn hard on some pretty good projects.

    ---Shiverwar, Newgrounds Member since 2005



    Posted by Shiverwar - March 3rd, 2021

    Here's the deal.

    While I am appreciative of the attention some of my work has garnered, and believe me, I do appreciate it more than you'll know, I am starting to feel... annoyed. VERY. Annoyed.

    I am fully aware of some of my works popping up in games such as Geometry Dash and Roblox, and while that on its own is all well and fine, it seems that's all anyone even acknowledges me for. Fine, whatever, I can deal. What I CAN'T stand, though, is that some of the folks who have used my works don't even give me the respect of proper credits. Is that so hard to do? Like, really? REALLY?? Why is giving proper credits to a person for their work such a foreign concept to people, especially those who do level edits and such, ala Roblox?

    For context, there is a level on Roblox out there created by... well, someone, I don't actually know fully, by the name of Project Nebula. In it, it uses my remix track "Nuclear Fusion REDUX", which, as you may know, has become quite popular thanks to Geometry Dash. Normally, I would not have much issue with this (save for me feeling like my popularity is only thanks to Geometry Dash and Roblox, and that no one even bothers to check out any of my other stuff because that's all they know me for, imagine my disappointment), but when I went to find the page for the project itself, nowhere in the project announcement or description did I find any credits regarding me and my work on my remix, which was used in said level.

    With that in mind, let me make one thing perfectly clear to you all.

    If you wish to use my work, be it remixes or some of my more obscure, actual ORIGINAL work, that's all well and fine. As long as it's not just a blatant reupload or Nightcore (or anything in relation to it), I am fine with that, as long as you give me proper credit, and post a link to either the track here on Newgrounds, or if it is available on YouTube, submitted by the user Shiverwar (that's me), post a link to the video. As long as you do this, I am chill with you using my work for games, videos, stuff like that, so long as there is no commercial gain to be had from it. That is where I will draw the line, alongside blatant reuploads and such. Since I am not making money off of my remixes (and don't plan to in the foreseeable future), it's only fair that it stays out of projects that do have the intention of making money. Free projects, videos, animations, all of that is fine, as long as credits and a link to the track (again, either here or on my YouTube channel) is clearly given in the description or inside the project itself.

    Again, I can't believe I have to even SAY this, but it seems some people just don't get the idea of proper credits and attributing of a musical work. Is this really that foreign to some people? Seriously, am I missing something? Have these past couple of years jaded me so much that I've lost touch with what is proper these days? Help me out here, I am genuinely confused and irritated!



    Posted by Shiverwar - June 13th, 2020

    Hey folks. You all know me as SSJ3-Goku4567, and while that is true, I decided it would be best for me to change my username to Shiverwar to match my account on YouTube and Twitter.

    Let me explain why. For years, while it's become the name most people know me as, my username has bothered me something fierce. I am a Dragon Ball fan, yes, but to me, the username SSJ3-Goku4567 made me, for lack of a better word, cringe. On just about every other platform I use, games, YouTube, and Twitter and the like, I use the name Shiverwar, and it's become pretty much synonymous with who I am. I wanted to change my username here to reflect that. Added to this, seeing as people have blatantly reuploaded my tracks to YouTube, I want my username here to match my YouTube name to avoid confusion as to who the music actually belongs to. This is both a quality of life change and a security measure for me.

    To avoid confusion, though, I will still preface my tracks with the SSJ3 moniker to reinforce the fact that they are still my tracks, and I will not change them for a while yet. I may decide to later down the line, but for now, I will keep the track naming as it is and continue releasing my tracks under the SSJ3 preface. I hope you all understand this change and are willing to adapt to it.




    Posted by Shiverwar - April 17th, 2020

    Hey guys. It's me. Haven't heard from me in a while, have you? Sorry to have been so absent from making news posts and such. A lot has happened over the past several years, and it's been a bit of a train wreck, all things considered.

    First and foremost, let me get this out of the way, as this is annoying the shit out of me.

    You all remember my remix, Nuclear Fusion REDUX, yes? It was my second attempt at remixing the popular Touhou track, "Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion", originally from Touhou: Subterranean Animism. I noticed a lot of people making comparisons between my mix and an older remix on the site called "Flawless Wings of Yatagarasu" by Gls. Let me make this perfectly clear: while I do see why people would make the comparison, I ask that you not do so. I would rather not be linked to the popularity of another user that I have nothing to do with. Their remix is fantastic, and it's no wonder why it's so popular. That being said, I would rather not be compared to Gls. While I understand why people do this, it just makes me feel like I'm riding on the coattails of another successful user, which I really do not want. I ask that you please understand this. My remix is my own, and Gls' remix is their own. End of story.

    Secondly, an apology for my absence.

    I do apologize for the general lack of uploads on my behalf. Things have been pretty fucking rough these past few years, and especially these past few months. I haven't had much motivation to do much of anything aside from work and play games. Music and YouTube have kind of become something of an afterthought for me. I do plan to get back into the music game, but who knows when the hell that will be the case? Rest assured, though, I am working on a number of things. It may take me a while to get them finished, but I am working on them, so please be patient.

    It's been a pretty hectic ride altogether, and I hope to continue working on my music so I may be able to bring you guys something. I can't just expect my fans to stay there and look at the same shit over and over and over. I gotta bring something to the table, right? I haven't forgotten you guys. I've merely forgotten what my motivation was, and I hope to be able to reclaim it. So out of all of this, please remember one thing...


    Thank you, and have a pleasant day.


    Posted by Shiverwar - October 28th, 2016




    Let me explain.

    Recently I've been noticing a boom in the overall views of my remixes of this year and some from the years gone by. I was a little perplexed by this, as my remixes have usually been seen by only a handful of people. Lately, just a few mixes ALONE have jumped up to thousands of plays, and there have been more votes cast for a few of my mixes than ever before. I found out why.

    My music has been slowly, but surely, making its way onto YouTube (discounting my own personal influence). People have used my remixes, particularly a few of my Touhou mixes, in Geometry Dash and the like, and as a result, the rise in publicity has been absolutely astonishing. I never expected anything like this to happen, nor would I ever have dreamed of it. Lately the number of people who have played my music on this site has skyrocketed, and my Nuclear Fusion redux ALONE has garnered more popularity than my most popular ORIGINAL song, Endless Confrontation. This is crazy to me, and I mean crazy. I don't know how to react, nor do I know what words to say to this!

    I mean, as far as I've known, the only people who have used my work on YouTube have been myself (as Shiverwar) and a few of my friends. It's insane. Once again, you guys, I want to thank you for sticking with me throughout the years, and I also wish to apologize for the very slow pace of releases that I've been subjecting you to. Things have been rather difficult, to say the least, and my will to make music has been dwindling as of late. I promise, though, this will be temporary, and I will get back into my groove one way or another, so look forward to that!



    Also, as I mentioned, I have a YouTube channel by the name of "Shiverwar", where I mostly upload videos of me playing Dragon Ball XenoVerse (and when my PC is upgraded, XenoVerse 2). Go check it out, if you want! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNN2UU9y3u9MHwjw3GnWllw


    See you there!


    Posted by Shiverwar - January 8th, 2016

    Hello, Newgrounds peeps!

    How's things in your neck of the woods? Good, I hope!


    2015 has come and gone, and unfortunately, I was not able to do as many pieces as I had originally hoped to do. However, I hope to make that change this year, because not only do I have ideas of songs I want to take on and new, original ideas formulating in my head, but I'm also armed with some new sounds, namely the V-Metal and SR5 Rock Bass plugins for Kontakt 5 from Prominy! Combined with Guitar Rig 5 (player edition, so I'm limited on the sounds I can use there), I have an even better sound I ever had with FL Slayer! I hope to put these to good use for future works, and who knows? Maybe you'll even like what I have in the works right now!

    2015, to say the least, was a rough year for me, as well as for the rest of the world. In my case, I just couldn't find the time, nor the mental fortitude, to put out the mixes I'd have liked to have put out. Work has been running me absolutely ragged, and the stress at home has risen to an all-time high, even now, in 2016. With this, though, has come a new light in the form of the plugins I obtained. Once I figure out how to work them to my greatest advantage, I'll be sure to share the products of my labor with you guys!

    Thank you all for being so patient with me over the years, and yes, even the haters are appreciated! It's you guys that push me to become better than I was previously, and I hope to keep that going! So, yes, keep the reviews coming, both positive and negative! It helps, believe me!

    Look forward to some new work by me! I am working hard to bring some new stuff to the table, as well as reworks of old favorites/mixes I've already done in the past! Please remain patient, I am working as hard as I can... Until then, enjoy what I have now, and be sure to tell me what you think!