After listening to a version of One Winged ANgel (the version I listened to was S-E-P-H-I-R-O-T-H Perfect!, or something like that), I decided to make my own on Fruity Loops. Once it gets done, and all balanced and crap, I will submit it and ask YOU guys what you think of it. It'd be nice to have comments on a vastly popular song's remake. This is going to be my first remake of it, so don't expect something really fancy. If you guys don't like it, then I will edit it to what you guys specified, then submit it in another file, like with my Zelda remakes.
Anyways, I thank you all for the reviews you've left me on my FL submittions, and I hope this turns out well.
"No offense but you suck." I think people take offense to that kind of stuff.
Well, if I ever said anything like that to you, then I apologize. I don't remember it though, so please slap me in the face whenever you possibly can.