I like this tribute. It looks like something Ego woulda made. Oh, and is it just me, or did I see Egoraptor AND Adam Tomamoto at the end?
I like this tribute. It looks like something Ego woulda made. Oh, and is it just me, or did I see Egoraptor AND Adam Tomamoto at the end?
I don't even have to watch it to know that it's good... because I already watched it before! And yes, Egoraptor does the voice acting, i think.
I understand...
You have troubles, I have troubles, we all do. Thanks for showing us what you had of episode 3, and I think your honesty is worth this 10.
megamanknight, you are a retard...
Of COURSE this is funny! Making fun of anime (if you're good at it, of course) is always funny! YOU, megaman, just have no sense of humor.
I kind of see what you're at here. I would have voted a bit lower, but seeing as this is an older animation at the time when you were too lazy for long frame-by-frame action, I give a 5. I see the concept, it's just the graphics that kind of threw me off. (no offense)
Pretty funny, work on graphics though
I give an 8 for funny concept. I agree, Goku cannot always be serious. One thing you may want to work on are the graphics. Other than that, this was funny!
Good scene from DBZ, just not so good graphics
This pretty much nailed one of the greatest scenes in DBZ, but one thing you may want to work on are the graphocs. I'm sure that if you spend more time on it, it will get better in graphics. Other than that, good job!
Nice video!
It's a really good thing you made this. Egoraptor must have been very glad to know that he had such supportive fans!
I liked it!
It's way better than what I could do! Nicely done!
No offense, but this movie isn't very good. I give you a 4 for at least some effort.
Hey, I do stuff on Newgrounds as well as YouTube! Check me out! Name's Shiverwar on YouTube! Formerly SSJ3-Goku4567.
Age 31
Astera Hunting Academy
Somewhere in America
Joined on 5/15/05