
138 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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I like it. I just have one question...


I've been waiting for a remix of my song from you so I can download it in place of my original!

Jenni-Harry4eva3 responds:

Well dude... I said I'd love to remix the song... but I'd rather have you re-mix it yourself. I feel something was missing, and I'm not sure what it is. It could be changed into drum and bass, or techno if you wanted it to. But it's all up to you.



I liked it. A little off, but it was still decent. Keep trying and let's here more from ya sometime!!!

Mental-Note responds:

how can i not keep trying after that coment ^.^

You were right...

It IS annoying! I give ya 5 cuz you're workin :D

Pessmistic responds:

Yay :D


3 because I like the imperial march, but THis is just toned down and slowed down from Jerrydn's version.

DESHIEL responds:

yep ;)

Ok, that's it!

I love this song, and the remixes you guys did. Now I want to try to make one... all I have is FruityLoops though... I'll have to be EXTREMELY careful if I want to make a good remix of this.

paradiddlesjosh responds:

Don't just be careful with FruityLoops. Your best bet is to chop up the piece into sections, and then instruments per section. Work one section at a time and balance the instruments at every section. Then balance the whole piece. You'll be doing a lot of mixer automation and experimenting, but it will be worth it.

Thanks for your review. :)

Like it!

I don't know what genre it would belong to, but this is a good idea. You're on to something, man!

LiquidEcstacy responds:

Thank ya ^^

You use Fruity Loops?

Dude, do you have any tips, or advice that I can use? And I think your movies deserve their own collection in your honor or whatever. I mean, they're so awesome!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Tips? I'm not sure if I do, heh. I usually just mess around with it and use whatever setup I think fits the song best. I use a lot of sound fonts these days, as they usually work well for what I want. I'm really a novice when it comes to music creation, but I'm getting better the more I have to do it. Just be open to new ideas, I guess. If you got any specific questions, be sure to pm me. Thanks for listening!

I love it!

It' a catchy tune! You should do one on the Death Knight, dude! Anyways, nice parody! It's really creative!

SkyMarshall responds:

Thanks! And for the Death Knight - it might happen. If WotLK manages to suck me into WoW as hard as before - it might just happen. Thanks for the comment man =)


Not only am I givig you a 10 for not stealing work, but I'm giving you a 10 also cuz you roxxorz soxxorz dood. I liked this work, and especially for the fact that it was not stolen!

JonOfTheShred responds:

Technically this is a pretty stolen song. The backing track is not me at all, and the only real difference in this as opposed to the free backing track and Jerry C original is some improvisational differences in some of the solos. But in my description I made it clear I was only playing the lead guitar, lead guitar overdubs for the improvised parts, and a few rhythms here and there.


It was good. Like some of the other guys, your voice isn't very suited for this song, but as I read, you were kinda depressed cuz ur original rapper dude wussed out.

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

Yeah, maybe next time I'll try not to think about it. I shoulda known better lol

Hey, I do stuff on Newgrounds as well as YouTube! Check me out! Name's Shiverwar on YouTube! Formerly SSJ3-Goku4567.

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