I remember listening to some of your stuff from way back when, and you were fucking badass back then. It's awesome to see that THAT badassness has improved at least tenfold since those days! Your vocal style, while it does sound a tad... gruff, I guess? While it sounds that way, it's in such a way that it makes your singing so easy to listen to, as opposed to the constant screaming and growling I tend to hear on NG these days. I mean, it's good to use that style, but it's best to use it sparingly, in my opinion. Aside from the vocals, the guitars, drums, bass, everything grabs the listener by the balls and says "You know you love me." As one such listener, I must agree with that sentiment! This is kickass, man! Is there any chance I could use your stuff for some videos on YouTube? I have a small channel and I try to use music I download for free for them. Proper credits are given in the description, and I do make sure to give links to where people can listen to and acquire these songs, if available.